Troop 1 Boys
Troop 1 Girls
About Us
Forms and FAQs
Wall of Eagles
Wall of Scoutmasters
Here you will find links to the scout membership application, Medical Forms, Camping checklists, and other useful links including Merit Badge worksheets and useful scout skills.
Youth BSA Application
For new youth applicants to BSA. An online version of this application is also available.
BSA Med Form AB&C
Applies to resident camp >72 hrs such as summer camp at Marin Sierra (includes parts A,B & C, requires a physical)
Weekend camping checklist
A basic checklist for weekend campouts
Packing your Pack
Consider where you load items by weight and use
10 Essentials List
The 10 Essential items a prepared scout has on every outting into the wild
Tie a Friendship Knot
Click here for a video on how to tie a friendship knot, used by scouts around to tie a neckerchief
Make a Woggle
Click for a video on how to tie a turk's head woggle for securing your neckerchief
Choosing a Sleeping Bag
Click here for tips on selecting your next sleeping bag
Planning your Eagle Court of Honor
How to plan for your Court of Honor
Merit Badge Worksheets
Click here for link to Merit Badge Worksheets