Troop 1 - Wall of Eagles
1929 - Present

Russell Smith
October 15, 2024
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, RussellI placed tanbark, and built a Mud Kitchen for Mill Valley Nursery School. His project will allow kids to have fun through imaginative play while building sensory skills.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Brendan Steinhofer
September 20, 2024
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Brendan built a labyrinth at the Mt Tam United Methodist Church. Click here to read a news article about Brendan's project.
Eagle Challenge: Charlie Halterman
Mentor Pin: Mike Blum

John "Jack" Moriarty III
September 13, 2024
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Jack renovated the chicken coop at Edna Maguire Elementary School in preparation for new chickens in the Mill Valley Children's Garden.
Eagle Challenge: Carter Ryckman
Mentor Pin: James Gracey

Dylan McDermott
June 5, 2024
Mill Valley, CA and Corte Madera, CA
For his Eagle Project, Dylan ran two community dinners where he gave technology demonstrations related to the cameras and tablets that he give away to the attendees.
Eagle Challenge: Gage Gracey
Mentor Pin: Eric Peterson

Desmond Kim
June 5, 2024
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Desmond organized "Ready 94941," a community fair which was designed to educate and provide resources to residents of all ages in Southern Marin about disaster preparedness.
Eagle Challenge: Will Gracey
Mentor Pin: Tracy White

Jenna Spector
February 21, 2024
San Rafael, CA
For her Eagle Project, Jenna built five owl boxes and installed them at the Guide Dogs for the Blind campus. In addition, Jenna and Troop 1 Girls made and sold pet toys to raise funds for GDB.
Eagle Challenge: Alina Kim
Mentor Pin: Lisa Gilmore

Cormac "Mac" Kayser
October 17, 2023
Marin City, CA
For his Eagle Project, Mac did a complete renovation of the Finder's Keepers' free Community Closet Store in Marin City. The store offers free clothing and household goods to Marin residents in need.
Eagle Challenge: Charles Myers (Troop 147)
Mentor Pin: Brett Conklin

Cade Peterson
August 9, 2023
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, ​Cade renovated the Memorial Garden at Tamalpais High School. He built a new entrance arbor, replaced a retaining wall, cleaned up and weeded the garden and replaced the picnic tables.
Eagle Challenge: Seamus Mauer
Mentor Pin: Brett Conklin

Cameron Croley
June 5, 2023
Tiburon, CA
For his Eagle Project, ​Cameron constructed a teepee, shelving and added tanbark at Harmony Montessori Preschool.
Eagle Challenge: Finn Croley
Mentor Pin: David Lawrence

Nicole Everage
March 24, 2023
Mill Valley, CA
For her Eagle Project, Nicole created plexiglass California wildlife stencils to paint a mural at Harmony Montessori, where she attended preschool. She also landscaped the accompanying garden.
Eagle Challenges: Addison Everage and
Keely Everage
Mentor Pins: Greg Everage and Robert
Del Secco

Corinne Hunt
February 22, 2023
Mill Valley, CA
For her Eagle Project, Corinne led Scouts in painting 600+ fabric race bibs for the participants in the Centennial Women’s Dipsea Hike Celebration. Click here for a news segment on Corinne's Eagle Project.
Eagle Challenge: Riley Clifford
Mentor Pin: Lisa Gilmore

Montgomery "Monty" Tipton
January 17, 2023
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Monty made 25 "comfort blankets" that go into Comfort Baskets for the Center Of Domestic Peace Women’s Shelter.
The baskets helped women move from the shelter to transitional housing.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Amelia Lee
January 10, 2023
Mill Valley, CA
For her Eagle Project, Amelia constructed 8-foot redwood planters for a native plant nursery at Tamalpais Valley Elementary School. Her project supported pollinator species such as honeybees and butterflies.
Eagle Challenge: Marcella Taboada
Mentor Pin: Robert Del Secco

Benjamin Ginnebaugh
January 10, 2023
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Ben led a renovation and replacement of three old planted boxes at Strawberry Point Elementary School's Garden.
Eagle Challenge: Dominic Kim
Mentor Pin: Mike Blum

Creig Williges
November 17, 2022
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Creig created an outdoor eating area for the Mill Valley Police Department, including two outdoor tables and a paved surface. The space allows officers to eat socially distanced and enjoy time outside while on break. Click here for article regarding Creig's Eagle Project.
Eagle Challenge: Nils Barrowman
Mentor Pin: Mike Blum

James Edmondson
September 6, 2022
San Francisco, CA
For his Eagle Project, James built a sitting area in the Children's Garden section of the San Francisco Botanical Garden.
Eagle Challenge: Dylan McDermott
Mentor Pin: Brett Conklin

Zachary Holzer
April 3, 2022
Kentfield, CA
For his Eagle Project, Zachary built an Equatorial Sundial for the Science Department at Marin Catholic High School.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin: Josh Holzer

Riley Conklin
February 10, 2022
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Riley built an outdoor play and classroom environment for the preschool students at Park Elementary School.
Eagle Challenge: Seamus Mauer
Mentor Pin: Jerome Kim

Jaden Kauh
January 13, 2022
San Rafael, CA
For his Eagle Project, Jaden filled 159 backpacks with school supplies and purchased shade tents for the Ritter Center in San Rafael.
Eagle Challenge: James Meezan
Mentor Pin: Leslie Myers

Ian Somerville
January 13, 2022
Marin City, CA
For his Eagle Project, Ian constructed three garden boxes, installed two benches and a gardening table at the Mattie & Clarence Boatman Victory Garden at the Golden Gate Village public housing complex.
Eagle Challenge: Cameron Croley
Mentor Pin: Mike Blum

Kader Kayser
November 3, 2021
Marin City and Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Kader built three Little Free Libraries. He also collected 500+ books to fill them and other empty book boxes in Southern Marin.
Eagle Challenge: Quinn Guyot
Mentor Pin: Scott Shern

Calvin Ginnebaugh
November 3, 2021
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project Cal performed landscape revitalization and fire prevention at Tamalpais High School.
Eagle Challenge: Ben Ginnebaugh
Mentor Pin: Robert Del Secco

Akira Martha
August 8, 2021
Marin City, CA
For his Eagle Project , Akira improved the lacrosse box field in Marin City. He built and installed benches and installed a shade structure for sun protection and comfort.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Craig Marquis
August 4, 2021
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project Craig organized an effort to remove an invasive hanging sedge plant along the Arroyo Corte Madera del Presidio creek.
Click here for article regarding Craig's Eagle Project.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Grayson Everage
May 12, 2021
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project Grayson revitalized the Edgewood Botanical Garden and built benches.
Eagle Challenge: Nicole Everage
Mentor Pin: Robert Del Secco

Alex Perry
August 8, 2021
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project Alex revitalized the Old Mill Elementary School Garden and constructed planters.
Eagle Challenge: Emmett O'Neil
Mentor Pins: Mike Blum and Robert Del Secco

Abby Alpert
May 12, 2021
Mill Valley, CA
For her Eagle Project Abby painted playground games on the blacktop for the kindergarteners at Edna Maguire School.
Eagle Challenge: Pili Ponce de Leon
Mentor Pin: Karie Stern and Lisa Gilmore

Casandra "Cassie" Peterson
May 12, 2021
San Francisco, CA
For her Eagle Project Cassie designed and supervised the production of hand-sewn fidget blankets for dementia patients at Laguna Honda Hospital.
Eagle Challenge: Helen Perry
Mentor Pin: Robert Del Secco, Karie Stern and Lisa Gilmore

Henry Lawrence
February 11, 2021
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Henry built a series of sand and water play tables for a preschool in Mill Valley.
Eagle Challenge: Jacob Wulfstadt
Mentor Pin: Robert Del Secco

Benjamin Tolson
December 29, 2020
Sausalito, CA
For his Eagle Project, Ben created an Outdoor Classroom at Willow Creek Academy in Sausalito.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

August Buessing
December 29, 2020
San Francisco, CA
For his Eagle Project, August supplied Scout-made face coverings to St. Vincent de Paul and for the unhoused population during the Covid pandemic.
Eagle Challenge: Monty Tipton
Mentor Pin: Mike Blum

Elliot Gelbach
December 22, 2020
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle project, Elliot built benches at the Mill Valley Dog Park.
Elliot did not have an Eagle Ceremony due to Covid and thus did not name a Mentor or Eagle Challenge.

Elliot Frankel
December 22, 2020
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Elliot constructed an ADA redwood planter box at the Mill Valley Community Garden.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Tristan Brousseau
August 28, 2020
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Tristan added a french drain along a section of the Pixie Trail, above Kerouac Hill in the Homestead Valley Land Trust.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

James Scherr
July 28, 2020
Muir Beach CA
For his Eagle Project, James performed a 100 meter trail safety improvement to the only trail to the campsite area at Slide Ranch. His project included flattening and graveling the trail as well as digging water runoff indents to prevent still water from gathering.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Faizal "Faiz" Khaliq Baporia
June 25, 2020
Corte Madera, CA
For his Eagle project, Faizal led numerous computer coding classes for local children at the Corte Madera Library.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Eli Blum
May 14, 2020
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle project, Eli led a landscaping project at the Tamalpais High School sports clubhouse.
Eagle Challenge: Joshua Soriano
Mentor Pin: Robert Del Secco

Sam Shern
February 23, 2020
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Sam added mulch to the Park Elementary School garden as well as installed four new hose posts and created a shelving unit for lost and found items left at the school.
Eagle Challenge: Russel Smith
Mentor Pins: Robert Del Secco and Doug Gelbach

Nicholas Lyons
February 23, 2020
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle project, Nicholas replaced a section of the Mill Valley Steps, Lanes, and Paths (SLP) on La Paloma Lane in Blithedale Canyon.
Eagle Challenge: Cameron Croley
Mentor Pins: Robert Del Secco and Lisa Gilmore

David Gilmore
December 4, 2019
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle project, David led a complete overhaul and renovation of the Mill Valley CERT Trailer. Click here for article regarding David's Eagle Project.
Eagle Challenge: Austin Gracey
Mentor Pins: Robert Del Secco and Scott Shern

Jacob Blum
January 8, 2019
Sausalito, CA
For his Eagle project, Jacob rebuilt and cleaned up the baseball dugout at Willow Creek Academy.
Eagle Challenge: James Meezan
Mentor Pins: Robert Del Secco

William Gilmore
December 4, 2019
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle project, William renovated the Bay Front Dog Park agility course.
Eagle Challenge: Monty Tipton
Mentor Pins: Robert Del Secco and Scott Stern

Joshua Holzer
October 20, 2019
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle project, Joshua led a garden restoration at Strawberry Point Elementary School.
Eagle Challenge: Aiden Aragon
Mentor Pins: Robert Del Secco, Mike Blum, and Michael Swalberg

John Halloran
August 20, 2019
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle project, John installed benches and a bulletin board at Boyle Park.
Eagle Challenge: Alex Perry
Mentor Pin: David Lawrence

Thomas Urey
August 20, 2019
San Rafael, CA
For his Eagle project, Thomas remodeled and constructed ADA garden beds at the Canal Alliance Community Gardens.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pins:

Michael Brandt
August 1, 2019
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle project, Michael built the creekside fence next to the Mill in Old Mill Park.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pins:

Chase Peterson
June 12, 2019
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle project, Chase renovated the garden at Tamalpais High School and created a meditative gathering space for Tam students. Chase also construction multiple picnic benches and planted native plants.
Eagle Challenge: Cade Peterson
Mentor Pins: Robert Del Secco and Mike Blum

Jacob Blum
January 8, 2019
Sausalito, CA
For his Eagle project, Jacob rebuilt the baseball dugout and cleaned up the bleacher seating at Willow Creek Academy.
Eagle Challenge: James Meezan
Mentor Pin: Robert Del Secco

Christian Rodriguez
November 1, 2018
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle project, Christian led a native plant restoration at the Mill Valley Golf Course.
Eagle Challenge: Riley Conklin
Mentor Pin: Robert Del Secco

Saever Dahlgren
September 12, 2018
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle project, Seaver built and installed a hexagon-shaped bench at Park Elementary School.
Eagle Challenge: August Buessing
Mentor Pin: Tom Brophy

Gabriel Tolson
August 21, 2018
San Rafael, CA
For his Eagle project, Gabe created handicapped beds and a compost bin at the Community garden in the Canal District.
Eagle Challenge: Ben Tolson
Mentor Pin: Robert Del Secco

William Todebush
April 29, 2018
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle project, William worked with the City of Mill Valley and repaired a Mill Valley Steps, Lanes and Path (SLP) No. 61 between Eldridge Avenue and West Blithedale.
Eagle Challenge: Alex Betz
Mentor Pin: Tom Brophy

Sawyer Shine
October 29, 2017
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle project, Sawyer built a Buddy Bench and two library lending stands at Park Elementary School.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin: Tom Brophy

Jesse Keefe
August 20, 2017
Marin City, CA
For his Eagle project, Jesse rehabilitated the Golden Gate Village Community Garden. Click here for article regarding Jesse's Eagle Project.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin: Robert Del Secco

Matthew Harband
August 6, 2017
Tiburon CA
For his Eagle project, Matthew created a Holocaust memorial at the Kol Shofar Synagogue.
Eagle Challenge: Chase Peterson
Mentor Pin: Tom Brophy

Edward Gilmore
June 14, 2017
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle project, Edward built a chicken enclosure at the Mill Valley Children's Garden located on the campus of Edna Maguire Elementary School.
Eagle Challenge: Alex Perry
Mentor Pin: Trevor Guyton

Calvin Kuhn
May 30, 2017
Tiburon, CA
For his Eagle project, Cal restored a path and planter bed at the Richardson Bay Audubon Center.
Eagle Challenge: Henry Harwood
Mentor Pin: Peter Gilmore

Nathan Gelbach
November 11, 2016
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle project, Nathan installed two picnic tables at Hauke Park playground.
Eagle Challenge: Elliot Gelbach
Mentor Pin: Alan Frankel

Eli Ferrell
November 20, 2016
Olema, CA
For his Eagle project, Eli performed restoration work on the floodplains of the Lagunitas Creek in West Marin to create an easier living environment and a larger food source for the Coho Salmon.
Eagle Challenge: Felix Scholvinck
Mentor Pin:

Kevin Brown
June 29, 2016
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle project, Kevin restored a sandbox at Tam Elementary School.
Eagle Challenge: Calvin Ginnebaugh
Mentor Pin: David Marquis

Weston Drechsel
March 26, 2016
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Weston did trail work on the Cowboy Rock Trail leading up from Stolte Grove in Homestead Valley. The project included installing steps, clearing brush, trail improvements and addressing erosion to make the trail more usable.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Garbriel Carmel
March 26, 2016
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

John Chavez
January 30, 2016
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin: Tom Brophy

Ethan Frankel
December 20, 2015
Marin City, CA
For his Eagle project, Ethan built a chicken coop and run at the Bayside Martin Luther King, Jr. Academy. Scouts also assisted with cleanup of the school garden.
Eagle Challenge: Calvin Ginnebaugh
Mentor Pin:

John Cannell
November 22, 2015
San Rafael, CA
For his Eagle project, John created an enjoyable student hangout area along the hallway of the classrooms at the Marin School.
Eagle Challenge: Sawyer Shine
Mentor Pin: Tom Brophy

Elliott Grant
November 22, 2015
Nicasio, CA
For his Eagle project, Elliot built a raised bed at the Halleck Creek Ranch.
Eagle Challenge: Tristan Michell
Mentor Pins: Tom Brophy and Scott Shern

Dave Peters
August 18, 2015
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle project, Dave repaired the Mill Valley Steps, Lanes, Paths (SLP) behind Mt. Carmel Church.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Karl Menzel
July 26, 2015
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

M. Yoshio Boris
October 27, 2014
Eagle Challenge: Josh Holzer
Mentor Pin: Dave Lundgren

Jared Harband
October 27, 2014
San Rafael, CA
For his Eagle project, Jared restored the courtyard at The Marin School; replaced benches, leveled the concrete and donated a picnic table.
Eagle Challenge: Matthew Harband
Mentor Pin: Dave Lundgren

Forrest Pommer - Schindler
June 11, 2014
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

James Marquis
August 25, 2014
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Trevor Guyton
May 28, 2014
For his Eagle Project, Trevor refurbished the garden beds in the Tam Valley Elementary School garden.
Eagle Challenge: Edward Gilmore
Mentor Pin: Mike Burkett

Miles Lundgren
November 18, 2013
Eagle Challenge: Tomas Ludin
Mentor Pin: Sam Guyton

Thomas Simkalo
November 25, 2013
Eagle Challenge: Yoshio Boris and Jared Harband
Mentor Pin: Terry Grant

Alexander DeMarneff Becker
October 10, 2013
Eagle Challenge: William Gilmore
Mentor Pin: Kurt Schindler

Liard Grant
September 15, 2013
Eagle Challenge: Gabe Tolson
Mentor Pin: Tom Brophy

Tyler Daniels
August 25, 2013
Eagle Challenge: David Gilmore
Mentor Pin:

Steven Peters
May 13, 2013
Eagle Challenge: Elliot Grant
Mentor Pin:

Cooper Shine
May 13, 2013
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin: Tom Brophy

Sheridan "Teddy" Sanders
May 13, 2013
Eagle Challenge: Peter Veh
Mentor Pin: Chuck Fleischer

Nelson "Nick" Patten
March 24, 2013
Eagle Challenge: Thomas Simkalo
Mentor Pin:

James Mey
August 12, 2012
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Chase Hansen
February 26, 2012
Eagle Challenge: Thomas Simkalo
Mentor Pin: Talene Sanders

Jackson Lundgren
December 19, 2011
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Daniel Traub
December 5, 2011
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Samuel Schaefer
August 21, 2011
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin: Dave Lundgren

Cade Burkett
July 30, 2011
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Nicholas Dedona
July 30, 2011
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin: Dave Lundgren

Ian Spilman
July 30, 2011
Eagle Challenge: Tyler Daniels
Mentor Pin:

Peter Brophy
July 13, 2011
Eagle Challenge: Dave Peters
Mentor Pin: Mike Burkett

Sam Sweet
June 6, 2011
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Thomas Mathews
April 18, 2011
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Nathan Mathews
April 18, 2011
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Nathan Edmondson
December 13, 2010
Nicasio, CA
For his Eagle project, Nathan built a fence made of reclaimed wood at Halleck Creek Ranch, a therapeutic horseback riding ranch for people with disabilities, and added an ADA compliant parking space.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin: Dennis Hansen

Elijah Goldberg
December 13, 2010
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Daniel Pulgram
August 23, 2010
Eagle Challenge: Seaver Dahlgren
Mentor Pin:

Peter Sanders
August 23, 2010
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Riley Shine
June 14, 2010
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Sheldon Playdle
May 10, 2010
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Brennan Bertram
May 10, 2010
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Brandon Guyton
September 28, 2009
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Brandon carried out a trail realignment of Mill Valley Steps, Lanes and Paths (SLP) number 352 in West Blithedale Canyon Park.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Jonah Hopton
September 28, 2009
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Wade Patten
December 22, 2008
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Maxwell Witt
December 22, 2008
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Clifford Wilson
September 8, 2008
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Michael Laucke
January 21, 2008
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Jasper Goldberg
January 21, 2008
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Michael Brophy
November 5, 2007
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Adam Wallace
November 5, 2007
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Ian Ivins
July 23, 2007
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Krister Barkovich
December 18, 2006
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Michael Hodge
September 15, 2006
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Jonathan Del Secco
August 14, 2006
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Jonathan was the Captain of the bolt crew and lead security for the Sycamore Park Playground renovation.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin: Chuck Fleischer

Peter Erickson
August 14, 2006
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Jay Reading
December 6, 2005
Eagle Challenge: Ian Spilman
Mentor Pin:

Stefan Lowenstein
November 1, 2005
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Kyle Lippenberger
July 14, 2005
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Perris Smith
July 14, 2005
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Kenta Kodama
July 7, 2005
For his Eagle Project, Kenta built a community weather station at Muir Woods Nations Park.
Eagle Challenge: Sam Sweet
Mentor Pin: Robert Del Secco

Noah Hopton
June 9, 2005
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Jamie Swarz
October 27, 2004
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Nicholas Barry
April 28, 2003
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Carl Cummings
January 14, 2003
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Paul Mithum
October 23, 2002
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Andrew Moxon
August 12, 2002
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Christopher Russo
July 8, 2002
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Theodore Fishman
May 14, 2002
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Ryan Moxon
March 12, 2002
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Oliver Ousterhout
December 26, 2001
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Patrick Caughey
December 26, 2001
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Carl Erickson
December 26, 2001
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

William Ferrel
October 24, 2001
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Benjamin Mains
October 24, 2001
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Charles McQuilkin
October 10, 2001
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Robert Hodge
July 16, 2001
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Alex Selig
June 12, 2001
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Kurt Miller
September 18, 2000
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Chris Moore
July 10, 2000
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Spencer Fishman
March 9, 2000
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

David Parker
March 9, 2000
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Jason Mitchell
February 4, 1999
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Jason Lippenberger
February 4, 1999
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Daniel Coronado
December 29, 1998
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin: Ted Treat

Daniel Knox
March 25, 1998
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Matt Mohorovich
February 26, 1998
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Adam Varcoe
August 14, 1997
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Erin Wilcox
May 23, 1996
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Christopher Lodolini
May 23, 1996
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Terrence Dunnigan
August 22, 1995
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Joshua Calkins
May 3, 1994
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Bradley Johanson
June 26, 1991
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Russell Davis
June 28, 1990
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Timothy Knight
May 19, 1988
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Raymond Hervé
February 25, 1974
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Raymond set flags around Mill Valley for the 1973 Veteran's Day Festival.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Don Hervé
February 25, 1974
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Don delivered potted flowers to businesses in Mill Valley and installed a barnyard set with animals over Easter vacation.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Jan Sonander
November 16, 1970
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Jan co-wrote and illustrated an ecology handbook that was later published and widely circulated in Marin County.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Steven Henry
November 16, 1970
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Steven co-wrote and illustrated an ecology handbook that was later published and widely circulated in Marin County.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Fritz "Bill" Guerin
April 18, 1966
Mill Valley, CA
For his Eagle Project, Bill conducted a safety study at the pedestrian crosswalk on Throckmorton in front of the Bank of America.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Bruce Thomson
April 19, 1965
See Daily Independant Journal, Page 38, June 11, 1965, for article regarding Bruce Thomson's Eagle Ceremony.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

John Randall Michaelson
May 18, 1964
See Daily Independant Journal, Page 7, June 18, 1964, for article regarding John Michaelson's Eagle Ceremony.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Timothy Lee Norall
May 18, 1964
See Daily Independant Journal, Page 7, June 18, 1964, for article regarding Timothy Norall's Eagle Ceremony.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Mark Pierce
July 15, 1963
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Ian Forbes
Before May, 1962
See Daily Independant Journal, Page 10, May 14, 1962, for article regarding Ian Forbes' Eagle Ceremony.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

James Jett
Before May, 1962
See Daily Independant Journal, Page 10, May 14, 1962, for article regarding James Jett's Eagle Ceremony.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Richard Graves
November 28, 1956
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Mark Cory
October 24, 1956
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Tom Hanley
Before December, 1955
See Daily Independant Journal, Page 47, December 15, 1955, for article regarding Tom Hanley's Eagle Ceremony.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Robin Nelson
Before December, 1955
See Daily Independant Journal, Page 47, December 15, 1955, for article regarding Tom Hanley's Eagle Ceremony.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Dennis Johnson
Before December, 1955
See Daily Independant Journal, Page 47, December 15, 1955, for article regarding Dennis Johs Eagle Ceremony.
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Keith Williams
October 21, 1951
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Mark Braver
September 26, 1947
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

James O'Neil
September 26, 1947
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Mark Brauer
September 26, 1947
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Richard Pohli
November 15, 1944
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Fred Jukich
June 14, 1944
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

George Hoyle
April 24, 1942
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

James Coleman
March 28, 1941
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Herbert Huffman
May 6, 1940
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Roane Sias
October 11, 1938
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Walter "Ted" Nelson
October 11, 1938
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Jack Donahue
December 21, 1937
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Herbert Baslee
June 5, 1936
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Thomas Nelson
October 10, 1935
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

John David Yohana
July 21, 1932
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

James Armstrong
September 25, 1932
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Robert Candrian
September 29, 1930
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:

Robert Boyle
February 1, 1929
Eagle Challenge:
Mentor Pin:
Eagle Scout Rank
The Eagle Scout rank is the highest rank earned in Scouting.
The above Scouts are those who have attained the rank of Eagle Scout from Troop 1, Mill Valley.
If you are a Troop 1 Eagle and would like to contribute a picture or other information, please contact us!
Once an Eagle, always an Eagle!