

T1G&B Winter Camp 2023 (Co-Ed)
Scouting for food
Rock Climbing at Gravity Vault
Halibut & Seabass Fishing Day Trip
Fall Camporee
2 nights
Advance camp
Fall Court of Honor
Fall Campout
1 night
Webelos Woods
3 nights
Community campout
1 night
River rafting
2 nights
6 nights
International Jamboree
11 nights
National Jamboree
9 nights
Camp Marin Sierra
6 nights
Outdoor Ethics Monthly trash Pick Up
Troop 1 Flag Patrol at Mill Valley Little League Parade
Troop 1, Mill Valley is a scout-led BSA troop based in Mill Valley, California, which was founded over 110 years ago. We are proud of our heritage and have supported over 200 Scouts to attain the rank of Eagle since our founding in 1910. We meet on Thursdays from 7:30 to 9:00 pm and usually participate in campouts and other fun activities at least once a month. If you are interested in joining, we would love to have you visit one of our meetings at Scout Hall in Mill Valley or email us here.
Welcome to the T1B home page

Philmont Training Hikes

Philmont Training Hike #1
Philmont Training hike

9 nights